WINEP (Water Industry National Environmental Programme) INNS (Invasive non-native species) Consultancy
Under the Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP), water companies will need to understand the key pathways of spread of INNS through their assets and catchments, and how the risk of spread through those pathways can be mitigated. Anglian Water has identified 20 obligations within WINEP relating to the understanding of key INNS pathways and how those pathways of spread can be mitigated. The required works consist of: One obligation relating to risk assessment of pathways of spread for all activities which could result in invasive species transfer. This project needs to assess all AW assets for INNS risks and undertake an options appraisal exercise to inform PR24. 19 obligations relating to assessment of risk on existing raw water transfers and the investigation of mitigation options. 18 obligations relating to specific raw water surface water transfers which have been identified and one obligation relating to a combined groundwater river support transfer obligation.
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1 Possible Competitors