Wireless body weighing scales to meet the needs of the NoHoW ICT architecture.
The University of Derby is involved in the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation action NoHoW (Grant No. 643309). The NoHoW project tests whether ICT-based delivery (wireless tracking technologies, weighing scales and activity sensors, online tools and smart phone apps, multimedia resources and internet-based support) offers the most promising evidence based behaviour change techniques is effective for Weight Loss Management (WLM). The core of this component will comprise wireless “smart scales” for self-weighing and wrist-worn activity meters coupled with online tools. Commercially available wireless scales and activity trackers will be used to deploy an integrated monitoring and feedback system providing real-time information about body weight self-monitoring behaviours (a reliable predictor of weight loss maintenance and body weight tracking using an approach similar to that developed in the recent NIHR funded NuLevel project ( Digital scales will transmit body weight data to the datahub through a suitable data platform. Physical activity will be tracked using commercially available physical activity monitoring devices and an appropriate software platform for clinical research that will transmit data to the data hub and meet the technical specifications of the NoHoW ICT architecture. The physical activity monitors will be wrist worn accelerometry data loggers that collect detailed longitudinal movement data.
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