WKCIC Group - Training Arm Website Development
The WKCIC Group requires a supplier to develop a new public facing website for the new Training Arm of the Group. This includes design and development of a Drupal CMS website, including integrating the relevant tools to better address the B2B market it will serve. Eg. Marketing Automation and CRM tools etc. The WKCIC Group is now seeking a supplier for a single bundled service: to design and develop a new public-facing website using Drupal that will be customised and tailored to meet the specific business needs of the new Training Arm of the WKCIC Group. Hosting will be done on the Acquia Cloud, together with For this website, the Group requires: · User-centred, responsive design · Drupal setup and customisation of modules · Rationalisation of content · Search facilities · Online applications and payments · Integration with existing systems and business tools. · User engagement tools like gamification and video. The successful supplier will be expected to implement the website development project using a known project management methodology such as Prince2 or Agile. The new public-facing website must be modern and user-friendly with a clear and streamlined design that is intuitive to the visitor. It must be compliant with the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines produced by W3C, and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA), now incorporated as part of the Equality Act 2010. It is critical that development produces a website that is agile and responsive to the changing digital landscape. This means developing it in such a way that it can adapt to and embrace new technologies and digital communications quickly, in a cost effective way. It must be built, where appropriate, to government and best practice standards and in accordance with the Group's Mission, Vision and Values. In particular it must be developed in line with the Group's Marketing digital strategy and ICT's strategy - particularly in reference to integration and interoperation of systems. eg. Unit-e, CRM and marketing automation software.
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CPV Codes
72413000 - World wide web WWW site design services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors