WMCA Roadside Infrastructure Contracts - Early Market Engagement Event November 2024
The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to notify the market of forthcoming market engagement event relating to the West Midlands Combined Authority's (WMCA) current Roadside Infrastructure Framework - to help inform the Authority's future strategy. WMCA is reviewing the current maintenance and support contracts and would be interested to engage with suppliers who have experience working in the following areas: Lot 1 - Infrastructure cleaning - Cleaning provision at Bus Stations, Park and Ride car parks, bus shelters, and other highway infrastructure as well as information placement and timetable case maintenance. Lot 2 - Highway Infrastructure - Reactive and planned maintenance, installation and removal of on street infrastructure including any electrical requirements along with a storage element for removed assets. Lot 3 - Supply and Installation of Highway Infrastructure - Provision of highway infrastructure, such as bus shelters and stop poles, that cater to requirements of WMCA and its ongoing programmes. Lot 4 - Grounds Maintenance - Landscaping, specialist arboriculture works, and winter maintenance at Bus Stations and Park and Ride car parks. Lot 5 - Supply and Installation of Timetable Cases - Provision of timetable cases that will be placed on WMCA highway infrastructure displaying public transport information. Lot 6 - Planned and Reactive Maintenance - All PPM requirements for Bus Stations and Car Parks, along with reactive work and provision of a mobile technician. Lot 7 - Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Mesh Panels - Shelters with a history of vandalism with have glazing/polycarbonate replaced with Mesh. This contract would maintain the current estate and install Mesh where required. WMCA will be undertaking an online event on the 7th of November 2024 at 11:00 for potential suppliers that are interested in assisting WMCA with their future strategy and any potential future procurement. This will be followed up by a supplier questionnaire, which will assist the WMCA with future strategy and there may also be the potential opportunity for interested suppliers, to have 1-2-1 conversations with WMCA, on a first come, first serve basis and if the Authority deems to be beneficial. Interested parties should register through Bravo, and search for project_933/pqq_236 and express interest in attending the event via the message function under pqq_236 no later than the 5th November 2024 - 9:00. Your registration will ensure that you will receive the relevant details for the online event and any future correspondence regarding the Transport Infrastructure Contracts. Please note, the information in this document represents WMCA's current plans and may be subject to change prior to a potential tender publication. WMCA reserves the right to amend or change all and any aspects discussed in this exercise.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
44212321 - Bus shelters
60100000 - Road transport services
60112000 - Public road transport services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors