Workforce Wellbeing Services
This framework is for the provision of Occupational Health and Wellbeing Services to meet the needs of trust clients while fully aligned to national public health priorities and local wellbeing strategies. This Framework covers, Occupational Health, EAP and Optical Services.The specification has been built to deliver a high quality multi-disciplinary Occupational Health and Wellbeing service, to include a full range of core services to nationally specified SEQOHS (Safe Effective Quality Occupational Health Service)Standards.The Framework Agreement offers a range of proactive and efficient Occupational Health Services and Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) to manage sickness absence and support staff to remain in work and/or return to work promptly. Services also focus on preventative employee Health and Wellbeing services to minimise overall risk of sickness absence and contribute to reduced sickness absence rates for each Participating Authority.Ultimately the Framework Agreement should enable Participating Authorities to work towards cost savings targets associated with reduced sickness absence levels.In addition to Occupational Health and EAP this framework has a new lot for eye care services on or off site. (Optical Services)
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CPV Codes
85140000 - Miscellaneous health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors