Works Contract - Roof Refurbishment - Standard Selection Questionnaire Stage
The National Archives is planning to undertake a roof refurbishment project at its site in Kew, Surrey TW9 4DU. The building is a working government office and document repository, open to the public and situated in a residential area. It operates under government security regulations which will have to be retained throughout the works. The current proposed scope of works is as follows: •To carry out a specialist roof survey and repairs to the 1990's Kalzip® roof, which spans approximately 900m². •To provide permanent access to the Kalzip® roof from the roof void by installing Bilco® access hatch (or similar approved) including steel access stair and landing. •To install permanent roof walkways on the existing Kalzip® roof for maintenance of the roof. •To replace an existing 10x10m coxdome roof light with a pre-designed faceted arched structure (Kalwall® or similar). •To design and install access scaffolding, roof edge protection and all associated temporary works. The National Archives envisages shortlisting a maximum of 5 potential suppliers to be invited to tender, subsequent to the evaluation of Standard Selection Questionnaires (SSQs) received. The deadline for submission of SSQs is 5pm on January 28th, 2019. The National Archives intends to issue the Invitation to Tender to shortlisted potential suppliers at the end of January, 2019 with a contract award decision anticipated by the end of March, 2019. The expected contract period is from April, 2019 to the end of September, 2019.
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Tender Regions
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors