Works Contractors Framework
MTVH has a pipeline of over 150 fire safety remediation projects over the coming 5-7 years. Planning is underway for a Framework to that will allow for Early Supplier Involvement, continuity across projects and building lasting relationships. The remediation projects are mainly in London and SE, with some located in Notts and East Midlands. Contractors are expected to have an understanding and experience of PAS guidance for Principal Contractors and working practices under the Building Safety Act / Building Regulations. A Lot structure based on value-bands is proposed, intended to make this opportunity suitable for SMEs: 1: £20k - £800k 2: £800k - £3m 3: £2m - £5m there may also be an option to include regional Lots
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors