WS23/1 - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the Supply of Metalwork and Engineering Class Materials for Post Primary Schools, Youthreach & VTOS Centres in WWETB
This public procurement competition relates to the establishment of a Multi Party Framework ("Framework") for the supply and delivery of metalwork and engineering class materials for use by students and teachers in metalwork and engineering classes at second level schools and centres. The goods which form part of this contract will be used by schools to deliver Junior Cycle technology programmes including the Junior Certificate Vocational Programme and the Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied programme and programmes for Further Education and Training Services.Appendix 2 lists the primary requirements for consumable materials for the courses. The quantities required will vary depending on usage, wear, and tear etc., the list is based on Department of Education and Skills requirements at this time and may in time be subject to some additions or omissions. It is important to note that the equipment must be fit for purpose meeting the requirements of the Metalwork and Engineering Teachers/ Instructors delivering tuition and training to students/apprentices in a school/trainee workshop environment. This list is not exhaustive. It is the intention of the Contracting Authority to establish a Multi-Supplier Framework from which call-off contracts may be drawn down from the following methods 1) Cascade call off method (first ranked supplier), 2) by ‘request for quotes’ to all panelled members or 3) Mini-competition where all panelled framework members receive a Supplementary Request for Tender. It is expected this method of drawdown will be used where a school/centre defines their requirements over a period of time will be run by the school/ centre as requirements arise over the lifetime of the Framework.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
44315300 - Soldering or brazing materials
43711000 - Parts of metal-rolling machinery
44100000 - Construction materials and associated items
42637200 - Machine tools for boring metal
44810000 - Paints
44423800 - Metal stamps
42630000 - Metal-working machine tools
19500000 - Rubber and plastic materials
44190000 - Miscellaneous construction materials
44110000 - Construction materials
45262670 - Metalworking
42674000 - Parts and accessories for metal-working machine tools
44315310 - Soldering materials
44500000 - Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs
44512000 - Miscellaneous hand tools
42640000 - Machine tools for working hard materials except metals
44192000 - Other miscellaneous construction materials
42665000 - Metal-spraying machinery
24911200 - Adhesives
42637000 - Machine tools for drilling, boring or milling metal
44315200 - Welding materials
42631000 - Machine tools for finishing metals
42676000 - Parts of hand tools
42637100 - Machine tools for drilling metal
44511000 - Hand tools
43700000 - Machinery for metallurgy and associated parts
43710000 - Metal-rolling machinery
42637300 - Machine tools for milling metal
44533000 - Copper fasteners
42638000 - Metal-working machining centre
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors