WWF-UK Organisational Development Portfolio Evaluation
From an accountability perspective and as a WWF Network standard it is timely to conduct a review process this financial year to gather information about what has, and has not, been achieved against initial plans. It is also helpful in generating shared learning and insight, as well as informing the Network's OD community of practice. The review approach will model the strategic partnership principles, to ensure value for each WWF office involved and usefulness for future OD funded offices. From the WWF UK perspective, outputs of the review must support the development of WWF UK's OD strategic objective as a sub-set of the wider strategy. Purpose a. Identify achievements, assess relevance & progress b. Review context, adapt to new realities / reality check the program c. Confirm and/ or adapt ToC and agreed roadmap d. Identify lessons / best practices for organizational and network learning e. To assess if OD investments have an added value, different to that of programmatic grants
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1 Possible Competitors