X-ray equipment for use with art and archaeological collections, Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales
The Art Department houses a large collection of easel paintings, which date from 1500 to the present day. They are executed on a variety of supports including canvas, wooden panel, artist’s board and copper. There is also a large body of works on paper. X-radiography is useful in this application as a means of gaining information about the structure of paintings (number of panels, wood grain, dowels etc). Artist’s technique is also studied using this technique as it allows conservators to detect changes in composition, which may not be visible on the surface. The extent of damage and restoration can also be revealed using radiography.X-radiography allows for the relatively quick and non-destructive visual analysis of archaeological objects. It is a fundamental initial step in assessing, recording and conserving their artefacts. Within the archaeology department it is used regularly in the examination of new objects, especially those made of iron as often no metal survives and objects are completely unrecognisable from the build-up of corrosion products and concretions. Technological assessments and research are quite often only possible because of x-radiography. Other uses include authentication of objects and assessment of old repairs.
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33111000 - X-ray devices
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