Yate Town Council - Event Management 2 Day Music Festival ( 4 year agreement ) starting June 2024 until June 2027 inclusive
Yate Town Council is seeking quotes for the event management of a 2 day music festival. Since 2005, Yate Town Council has organised an annual free community music festival weekend in Kingsgate Park, held in June. The 18.7 acre park, positioned in the middle of South Yate, is full of mature trees with two lakes and a large natural playground. It has an open space near one of the entrances, Elmwood, which lends itself to the positioning of a stage, with a large area for festival goers to sit. Stalls for food, drink and community groups are positioned around the space and leading further into the park. The two-day event is usually held on the 3rd or 4th weekend in June (date agreed in advance to avoid other large events in the vicinity). On the first day of the festival, local bands perform and there is a variety of music interspersed with dance groups. Previous festivals have seen audiences of up to approximately 7,000 people coming and going throughout the day. On the second day, local churches join together for 'Praise in the Park', followed by a Choir Showcase in the afternoon, with local choirs performing a range of popular music. To date there have been minimal food stalls on the second day of the festival, as light refreshments have been provided by the local church. Those attending are also encouraged to bring a picnic. This event is usually attended by approximately 500 people.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors