Young People Generic Support Project
NB: This notice is in relation to a contract for Part B ServicesThis is a floating support project for vulnerable single people and couples aged under 25, with no dependent children, who are resident in Denbighshire. Support will be time limited and it is expected that individuals will move on to live independently in the community or onto another community based project with lower level support. All service users will be homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and will have been identified as needing support in a number of areas to enable them to manage their tenancy independently. Support will be time limited and it is expected that individuals will move on to live independently in the community or onto another community based project with lower level support.Project Aims•Preventing people presenting as homeless or potentially homeless•Ensuring vulnerable people can move on to more independent living and continuing to live independently after support has been withdrawn•Ensuring vulnerable people are supported to access education, employment, training or voluntary work and have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.•Generating confidence and housing skills such that families and young people can live independently•Supporting families and young people to access other community resources and other agencies.•Promoting a more stable lifestyle•Contributing to decreased social isolation•Contributing to ensuring that young people have access to support/ services as soon as a need/ problem arises•Ensuring that the welfare of young people is safeguarded and they are protected from harmContributing to the delivery of the Welsh Assembly Government’s seven core aims for services for children and young people, i.e. that they:•have a flying start in life•have a comprehensive range of education and learning opportunities•enjoy the best possible health and are free from abuse, victimisation and exploitation•have access to play, leisure, sporting and cultural activities•are listened to, treated with respect, and have their race and cultural identity recognised•have a safe home and a community which supports physical and emotional wellbeing, and are not disadvantaged by poverty.Project Outcomes•Service users will be better able to access and engage with the services they need.•Service users will be better able to manage their lives and affairs •Service users will be better able to avoid or cope with crises and other situations which cause stress or anxietyContribute to achieving the following outcomes and actions detailed in Denbighshire’s Big Plan:•Accessed Education•Accessed support for young carers•Improved basic skills, life coaching and life skills•Improved emotional health and wellbeing •Accessed support for post 16 developmentReferrals will be accepted from Denbighshire County Council Social Work teams, and other statutory and voluntary agencies via the Denbighshire County Council Supporting People Coordinator.Refused referrals or those placed on a waiting list will all be promptly referred to the Supporting People Coordinator for possible re-allocation to another project. Any voids or vacancies on the project will be promptly notified to the Supporting People Coordinator and other referrers.Service users will be selected on needs alone and not on their prospects of successful move on.NB: if an ongoing support need is established (i.e. a long term requirement for support extending beyond two years), the service users will be referred to a more appropriate low level or non-SP funded service in accordance with Supporting People eligibility criteria.The initial contract will be for a period of 36 months with the option to extend for a further period of either 12 or 24 months subject to satisfactory performance.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors