Youth Homelessness Social Impact Bond
Greater Manchester Combined Authority intends to commission an investor backed provider, a consortia of providers or a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) with the experience of delivering an outcomes based contract to establish a delivery model focussed on preventing youth homelessness in Greater Manchester . Our expectation is that these provider(s) or SPV will have: • a track record of successfully delivering homelessness prevention services • have ability to access at least £1.5m of dedicated outcomes funding for homelessness prevention outcomes. • have experience of delivering Social Impact Bonds (preferable) Background The GMCA received an allocation from the national Life Chances to invest in outcomes-based contracts/Social Impact Bonds. Engagement with stakeholders from Local Authorities & partners, providers & individuals with lived experience identified preventing youth homelessness is a priority. Prior to the Covid-19 crisis, work had commenced on the development of a proposition for a four year GM Homelessness Prevention Social Impact Bond (SIB) project as part of longer-term strategy to tackle homelessness in GM with focus on under 35s most at risk. However, due to the pandemic and its economic impact on young people the project was launched early in the form of a small scale 12-month Young Person’s Homelessness Prevention Pathfinder supporting 250 young people at risk in areas of high demand. This contract has provided important learning in the design of a longer-term contract. Key Requirements The GMCA is looking for a suitable entity to deliver the 3 year contract to:- • Provide support for minimum 1500 under 35s in all ten Greater Manchester Councils • Build on existing learning & outcomes from the Youth Pathfinder. • Build local capacity via providers across GM • Provide continuous & evidence-based learning to understand early intervention. • Deliver on the ambitions outlined in the GM Homelessness Prevention Strategy Delivery against 3 key themes; Person, Prevention & Place. Person: • Offer flexible, choice based interventions that recognise the breadth of likely experiences within the cohort. Beneficiaries should feel in control of their support, and able to build on their strengths and interests. • Learn from and engage with the experiences of people with personal insight to design and deliver this contract. • Ensure that the local community is used as an asset to ensure that people have a local support network. Prevention: • Ensure that beneficiaries’ circumstances improve in relation to accommodation security and wellbeing, and that these improvements are sustained. • Ability to be flexible and shift their interventions further upstream over the course of the contract. Place: • Work with and build on the wide variety of existing public and community infrastructure that plays a vital role in place based, person centred, and preventative interventions across Greater Manchester. • Recognise and respond to the variation across GM in experiences of homelessness in young adults and the existing options available to them. • Providers build local capacity and sustainability in the Voluntary Community & Social Enterprise sector. The GMCA is committed to ensuring fairness, openness and transparency, in line with EU procurement regulations. This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is issued as a call for competition to identify any interested parties who are suitably qualified and can deliver the key requirements outlined above . Bidders will be able to view the documents to assess their suitability & interest but only bidders who feel they can complete the key requirements should issue an intent to respond to this call. **Important:- Only bidders who successfully responded to the PIN notice were taken forward to this restricted procurement exercise.**
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors