Z / South Durham University Technical College - Management Information System - Cancelled - Reissued under RFP
The University of Sunderland is one of three founding members (which are University of Sunderland, Gestamp and Hitachi) of The Durham UTC Limited trading as UTC South Durham. UTC South Durham, the University of Sunderland and its subsidiaries invites suppliers to express an interest in the following tender opportunity:- A suitable, user friendly and modern School Management Information Solution (MIS) delivered as a cloud based Software as a Service proposition is required to provide core management and administration functionality to assist with the effective and efficient running of South Durham University Technical College. The solution will be centric to all school operations and will be accessed and utilised by teaching staff, administrative staff, students and parents. UTC South Durham (University Technical College) is expected to open on 5th September 2016, at Aycliffe Business Park, County Durham. UTCs are state-funded technical schools for 14 -19 year-olds designed to focus on aspects of business and industry through a partnership of employers and Universities, helping to bridge the skills gap faced by UK businesses. Your submitted response should be the completed ITT and Business Probity documents which are attached to this opportunity. Any submission that is not inclusive of both of these responses will not be considered and rejected.
Published Date :
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Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72222300 - Information technology services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors