Zambia Rural Climate Resilience Programme EME event
An EME event is scheduled for this Programme, outline details are below, Please note to register for this event please complete the registration form at This programme is at Business Case development stage and the purpose of this EME is to inform the market about this programme and get views on the TOC and feasibility from a supply base perspective. Key Details -Name: Zambia Rural Climate Resilience Program -Location: Zambia -Value: £70,000,000 -Duration: 7 years Intended Impact [Tentative] A more sustainable agri-food system and improved natural resources base contributing to poverty reduction and climate resilience Through: better policy frameworks, markets, and access to finance to increase smallholder farmers' productivity, incomes, and resilience, while reducing pressure on natural resources and biodiversity Programme Summary Despite its economic potential, Zambia has stubbornly high poverty rates. Weak macroeconomic performance, policy failures, and successive negative shocks, including climate, have increased poverty rates and reduced incomes. Climate change, nature loss, and low agricultural productivity have created a negative feedback loop which is whitling down people's resilience and preventing escapes from poverty: -Climate change is ramping up the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, with smallholder farmers relying on rainfed agriculture being the most vulnerable -Nature Loss is driven by farmland expansion in response to declining yields and increasing rural population -Agricultural productivity is well below its potential and is declining. Crop yields are either stagnant or decreasing, despite widespread and increasing use of fertilizers and improved seeds. Taking a systems approach, the Rural Climate Resilience Program will focus on two impact areas: agri-food systems and natural resources management, delivered through three action areas: -Improved policy enabling environment -Improved market systems -Improved access to finance and information TOC: Increased investment in resilient agri-food systems and natural resources management, leads to increased productivity generating lasting livelihood benefits, thereby alleviating poverty, increasing resilience to climate change and shocks, and decreasing nature and biodiversity loss. Outcome 1: Strengthened policy environment to enable better natural resources management and more productive, diversified, sustainable and climate resilient agriculture Outcome 2: Improved climate resilient SME growth that enables greater participation of smallholder farmers in value chain Outcome 3: Improved access and use of climate finance and information to adapt to climate change and enable more resilient agricultural production systems Programme Activities Potential activities under consideration include: -Enabling Environment: Technical assistance and evidence support to gov
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75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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1 Possible Competitors