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BHCC City Transport Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, BHCC City Transport is most similar to organizations such as :
BHCC JB Supported Bus Services
Buyer : BHCC City Transport
The Council is sharing this Invitation to Tender to obtain professional, properly defined and priced propositions for the provision of supported bus services for 4 years with the option, exercisable by the Council, to extend for a period or periods u ....
BHCC JB Supported Bus Services
Buyer : BHCC City Transport
The Council is sharing this Invitation to Tender to obtain professional, properly defined and priced propositions for the provision of supported bus services for 4 years with the option, exercisable by the Council, to extend for a period or periods u ....
BHCC JB Electric Vehicle Charge Points
Buyer : BHCC City Transport
The Council is sharing this Invitation to Tender to obtain professional, properly defined and priced propositions for the supply, installation, maintenance, support and management of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure within the Brighton & ....
BHCC JB Wild Park Rainscape - AWARD
Buyer : BHCC City Transport
The Council is sharing this Invitation to Tender to obtain professional, properly defined and priced propositions for the Construction of Wild Park Rainscape and Balancing Pond. Bidders are invited to submit their propositions (tender returns) only a ....
BHCC JB Middle Street Primary School - Climate Resilient Playground
Buyer : BHCC City Transport
Brighton & Hove City Council is developing an exemplar project as part of the DfE's Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in Schools Project launched in October 2022. The Middle Street Primary School Climate Resilient Playground Project is designed to ....
BHCC JB Provision, installation and maintenance of CCTV Traffic Enforcement Came ....
Buyer : BHCC City Transport
The Council is seeking to appoint a Contractor to replace its current digital unattended enforcement system and CCTV Traffic Enforcement Cameras. Including providing full maintenance and support of the whole new system. Additionally, to the replaceme ....
BHCC JB Highways Services Contracts - AWARD
Buyer : BHCC City Transport
Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) is seeking professional, properly defined and priced propositions from suitably qualified and interested organisations for the provision of Highways Services. The scope of the services required is being procured un ....
BHCC JB Parking Strategy Review, via the Civil Engineering Design & Transport Pl ....
Buyer : BHCC City Transport
independent and costed parking review with recommendations and financial forecasts where appropriate.
BHCC JB Civil Engineering Design & Transport Planning Services Framework 2020 - ....
Buyer : BHCC City Transport
The Council wishes to appoint consultants to provide professional services via a Framework Contract for civil engineering design and transport planning services.
BHCC JB Street lighting 2018-2026 - AWARD
Buyer : BHCC City Transport
The Council invites bidders to respond to this opportunity for the provision of street lighting maintenance and a related installation programme with capital investment provided by the Council for a contract period of 4 years with the option to exten ....
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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