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Coastal Housing Group Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, Coastal Housing Group is most similar to organizations such as :
Provision of Insurance and related services to Coastal Housing Group Ltd and Pen ....
Buyer : Coastal Housing Group
Insurance and related services for Property, legal liability and other general (non-life) insurable risks, as required by Coastal Housing Group and Pennant Housing Association
Provision of Insurance and related services to Coastal Housing Group Ltd and Pen ....
Buyer : Coastal Housing Group
Insurance and related services for Property, legal liability and other general (non-life) insurable risks, as required by Coastal Housing Group and Pennant Housing Association
Buyer : Coastal Housing Group
Provision of Utility Consultancy Services including but not limited to:* Procurement services for new and existing supply energy contracts* Utility Portfolio Management* Utility Supply Management* Invoice validation and query managementNOTE: To regis ....
This contract relates specifically to provision of mobile telephony for a 24 month period and includes for the following:* provision of 220 smartphones* 220 mobile voice, text and data sim connections* 2 data only connections
Buyer : Coastal Housing Group
This contract relates specifically to provision of mobile telephony for a 24 month period and includes for the following:* provision of 220 smartphones* 220 mobile voice, text and data sim connections* 2 data only connectionsNOTE: To register your in ....
Gwynfaen Residential Development — Land off Gower View Road, Penyrheol, Swanse ....
Buyer : Coastal Housing Group
Design from Riba Stage 3 and construction of circa 144, mixed use, low carbon residential properties together with associated external works, retaining wall boundaries and drainage. To be awarded on the basis of a JCT DB16 contract as amended by a sc ....
Gwynfaen Residential Development - Land off Gower View Road, Penyrheol, Swansea.
Buyer : Coastal Housing Group
Design from Riba Stage 3 and construction of circa 144, mixed use, low carbon residential properties together with associated external works, retaining wall boundaries and drainage. To be awarded on the basis of a JCT DB16 contract as amended by a sc ....
Gwynfaen Residential Development PQQ - Land off Gower View Road, Penyrheol, Swan ....
Buyer : Coastal Housing Group
Design from Riba Stage 3 and construction of circa 144, mixed use, low carbon residential properties together with associated external works, retaining wall boundaries and drainage. To be awarded on the basis of a JCT DB16 contract as amended by a sc ....
Gwynfaen Residential Development - Land off Gower View Road, Penyrheol, Swansea.
Buyer : Coastal Housing Group
Design from Riba Stage 3 and construction of circa 150, mixed use, low carbon residential properties together with associated external works, retaining wall boundaries and drainage. To be awarded on the basis of a JCT DB16 contract as amended by a sc ....
Buyer : Coastal Housing Group
Annual renewal of motor fleet insurance provision for 84 vehicles consisting of 80 light commercial vehicles and 4 motor cars.Provision of 3rd party cover for 4 ride-on lawn mowers
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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