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East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust is most similar to organizations such as :
Provision of an Integrated Digital Pathology Solution
Buyer : East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
In 2017 NHSi proposed the development of 29 pathology collaboration networks across England. The four Trusts in the Lancashire & South Cumbria ICS area - Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (BTHT), East Lancashire Teaching Hospitals (ELTH), Lancas ....
Provision of a Digital Pathology Solution
Buyer : East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
Provision and Implementation of an Integrated Digital Pathology Solution across the Lancashire and South Cumbria region.
Outpatient Pharmacy Dispensing service
Buyer : East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (ELHT) and Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTH) are together issuing a joint invitation to tender in connection with the competitive procurement of the provision for a Pharmacy Outpatient Dispens ....
Supply of Personal Protective Equipment
Buyer : East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
Supply personal protective equipment to protect front line staff when dealing with the Covid-19 Virus.
Supply of Personal Protective Equipment
Buyer : East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
Supply personal protective equipment to protect front line staff when dealing with the Covid-19 Virus.
Patient Communication and Hybrid Mail Offsite Solution
Buyer : East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
Provision of a patient communication and hybrid mail offsite solution at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust.
Patient Communication and Hybrid Mail Offsite Solution
Buyer : East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
Provision of a patient communication and hybrid mail offsite solution at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust.
Laboratory Information Management System for Pathology (1)
Buyer : East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
In line with NHS Improvements national programme to review the current pathology services across England,with a view to creating regional networks in order to reduce unwarranted variation. The Lancashire Procurement Cluster, on behalf of Lancashire P ....
Buyer : East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
Provision of a radiation protection services and medical physics services, which includes ionising and non-ioninsing for East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust.
Buyer : East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
Provision of a radiation protection services and medical physics services, which includes ionising and non-ioninsing for East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust.
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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