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Longford County Council Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, Longford County Council is most similar to organizations such as :
N63 Ballinalee Road Longford Pedestrian & Cycle Active Travel Scheme
Buyer : Longford County Council
The project comprises construction of off carriageway footpaths and cycle paths and includes alterations to the junction of side roads along the length of the scheme, installation of a puffin crossing, alterations to road markings and right turning l ....
R198 Battery Road Longford Active Travel Scheme
Buyer : Longford County Council
Provision for cyclists, pedestrians and other non-motorised road users on the R198 Battery Road. The scheme includes the replacement of the existing mini-roundabout at the Lisbrack Avenue junction with traffic signals and also the installation of a g ....
Buyer : Longford County Council
The objective of this Request for Tender is to establish a framework of suitably qualified and experienced consultants to carry out screening for environmental assessment and appropriate assessment and any other environmental reports as the as the ne ....
LdCC Bridge Remediation 2022 - 2 - Longford Co Co Bridge Remediation 2022 - Cont ....
Buyer : Longford County Council
This project consists of remediation works 2 no two bridges/culverts in County Longford.The project in general consists of ;Bridge remediation and minor road wideningReplacement of rgass verge with concrete rubbing stripInstallation of integrated sta ....
Feasibility Study for Logistics Centre of Excellence
Buyer : Longford County Council
14/02/23 - Design and Build Skatepark
Buyer : Longford County Council
Longford County Council seek to develop a Skateboard Park. The proposed development site is located within the grounds of The Old Greyhound Track. The skatepark area to be developed is approximately of 750m2, in accordance with the attached drawings. ....
Woodview, Newtownforbes - Conversion of an existing healthcare facility to 2 No. ....
Buyer : Longford County Council
Refurbishment Works and Construction of Store at Leisure Centre, Albert Reynolds ....
Buyer : Longford County Council
Refurbishment Works and Construction of Store at Leisure Centre, Albert Reynolds Peace Park, Longford
2245 - Topographic, GPR & Building Surveys at ‘Pobail le Cheile’, Ballymahon ....
Buyer : Longford County Council
Scope of Work documents and drawings for all requirements. The area to be surveyed for the Topographical and GPR Surveys is outlined in GREEN and is approximately 18Ha. The building to be surveyed are highlighted in YELLOW. The surveys should include ....
Alteration and extension to 24 Congress tce, Longford, construction on new semi- ....
Buyer : Longford County Council
Alteration and extension to No. 24 Congress Terrace and Construction of new Semi-detached 2 storey 3 bed unit to side/rear garden area. Works to include a.) demolition of existing extension to rear of No 24, alteration to internal layout and construc ....
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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