Latest Ministry Of Justice Tenders in the UK

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Deadline :  01 Sep 2028
Published on :  17 Sep 2018
Tender Id :  1702196161
Type :  Contract
Buyer :  Ministry of Justice
Deadline :   01 Sep 2028
Deadline :  10 Jun 2027
Published on :  15 Jun 2020
Tender Id :  1506200155
Type :  Contract Notice
Buyer :  Ministry of Justice
Deadline :   10 Jun 2027
Deadline :  10 Jun 2027
 Northern Ireland
Published on :  15 Jun 2020
Tender Id :  1706200619
Type :  Contract Notice
Buyer :  Ministry of Justice
Deadline :   10 Jun 2027
Published on :  03 Jan 2024
Tender Id :  0301240016
Type :  PreProcurement
Buyer :  ministry of justice
Deadline :   31 Dec 2024
Deadline :  01 Sep 2028
Published on :  19 Sep 2018
Tender Id :  1909180025
Type :  Contract Notice
Buyer :  Ministry of Justice
Deadline :   01 Sep 2028
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