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North Lincolnshire Borough Council Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, North Lincolnshire Borough Council is most similar to organizations such as :
Further Competition Under Insurance Placement 978 for North Lincolnshire Council ....
Buyer : North Lincolnshire Borough Council
A further competition is being conducted by Arthur J Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited “the Broker”, on behalf of the Contracting Authority, under the YPO Dynamic Purchasing System (978), for Insurance Coverage and Associated Services (excludin ....
Supply of a Loading Shovel and Associated Maintenance Contract
Buyer : North Lincolnshire Borough Council
North Lincolnshire Council is inviting tenders for the supply of a loading shovel to support the operations of the councils new waste transfer station opening from July 2016. To compliment the supply of the loading shovel an associated maintenance of ....
Preliminary Market Consultation for a Financial Management System
Buyer : North Lincolnshire Borough Council
The Northern Lincolnshire Business Connect — Accountancy Shared Service are looking to the market for clarity and advice in support of our aspirations to source and implement a single shared best of breed cloud Financial Management System. Currentl ....
Provision of Watercourse Maintenance Services to Ancholme Internal Drainage Boar ....
Buyer : North Lincolnshire Borough Council
Flailing works
Construction and Highways Framework — Next Generation
Buyer : North Lincolnshire Borough Council
North Lincolnshire Council is seeking to establish Framework Agreements for the construction and Highways Framework — next generation. The framework aims to deliver efficiencies, improve value for money and provide added social value through the em ....
Framework Arrangement for the Provision of Grounds Maintenance Services to North ....
Buyer : North Lincolnshire Borough Council
North Lincolnshire Council is seeking to establish a framework arrangement with a number of suitably qualified and experienced Contractors to provide a range of “Grounds Maintenance” solutions for a wide range of pre-programmed, ad-hoc and emerge ....
Preliminary Market Consultation for the Provision of Drainage Maintenance Servic ....
Buyer : North Lincolnshire Borough Council
North Lincolnshire Council is carrying out a preliminary market consultation for drainage maintenance services which includes drain, culvert and sewer cleaning and cleansing.
Framework for the Supply and Installation of Network Cabling and Associated Hard ....
Buyer : North Lincolnshire Borough Council
North Lincolnshire Council is procuring a Framework Agreement for the supply and installation of network cabling and associated hardware.The Framework Agreement will also be accessed by North East Lincolnshire Council.
Domiciliary Care and Individualised Short Breaks in North Lincolnshire
Buyer : North Lincolnshire Borough Council
North Lincolnshire Council are committed to working collaboratively with partners to transform and develop services for Adults and Children within North Lincolnshire. Extensive work has been carried out in the re-commissioning of our domiciliary care ....
Provision of Watercourse Maintenance Services to Ancholme Internal Drainage Boar ....
Buyer : North Lincolnshire Borough Council
Ancholme Internal Drainage Board (AIDB) has commissioned North Lincolnshire Council (NLC) to undertake a formal tender exercise on its behalf to procure contractor(s) to deliver the watercourse maintenance services commencing July 2019. Services are ....
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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