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Northumbria University Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, Northumbria University is most similar to organizations such as :
Buyer : Northumbria University
Purchase of additional furniture for NESST Building which cannot be fulfilled under the main furniture contract.
Structural Engineering Consultancy Framework
Buyer : Northumbria University
The University has several major projects to deliver in its pipeline over the coming years which includes new build and refurbishments of its estates and may require Structural Engineering Consultancy Services and therefore is looking to put in place ....
Buyer : Northumbria University
The University has several major projects to deliver in its pipeline over the coming years which includes new build and refurbishments of its estates and may require Clerk of Works Services and therefore is looking to put in place a framework contrac ....
Sexual misconduct and harrassment training
Buyer : Northumbria University
Based off the new OfS requirements, we are looking for a qualified provider to deliver sexual misconduct and harassment training to staff and students,
Delivery, installation and commissioning of 3 x HPLC pumps, 3 x UV/Vis detectors ....
Buyer : Northumbria University
University requirements is to replace 3 x Manual injection High Performance Liquid Chromatography Ultraviolet (HPLC UV) systems. This tender is for delivery, installation and commissioning of 3 x HPLC pumps, 3 x UV/Vis detectors and 3 x manual inject ....
International Tax Advice for USA
Buyer : Northumbria University
To provide international tax advice for USA, Ireland, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, India & Sri Lanka.
NESST Further Competition Under Lot 6 (Education Technology) - CCS TePAS 2 for A ....
Buyer : Northumbria University
The University is looking for the supply, installation and maintenance of Audio Visual (AV) Equipment in the new building for NESST. We are looking for vendor agnostic submissions based off the Bill of Materials provided. Please note that some requir ....
Buyer : Northumbria University
The Legal Practice Course (LPC) route to qualification as a solicitor is being phased out and a new, centrally set and assessed, examination called the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) has been introduced. From academic year 2025/26, Northumbr ....
SEM Picomechanical Indenter (NU-Pico)
Buyer : Northumbria University
The tender is for supply of Nanoindenter or picoindenter to fit inside our Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM model: Tescan Mira 3 with GM chamber). This will allow users to map surface mechanical and tribological properties of materials and correlate ....
Further Competition Under Lot 5 (ARUBA) Jisc Network Equipment Framework for NES ....
Buyer : Northumbria University
Supply of ARUBA Network Switches and Access Points
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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