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St Albans City & District Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, St Albans City & District is most similar to organizations such as :
SADC - 2301103 - Verulamium Park Adizone Replacement
Buyer : St Albans City & District
St Albans City and District Council is looking to commission a suitably qualified and experienced organisation for SADC - 2301103 - Verulamium Park Adizone Replacement The deadline for submission is 17:00 on 17/11/2023. Note - tender returns must be ....
Winter Maintenance Car Parks Gritting Services
Buyer : St Albans City & District
14.The Council wishes to appoint a suitably qualified Service Provider to undertake the provision of proactive and reactive winter maintenance services, (gritting and/or snow ploughing when required) to maintain St Albans City and District Council's ....
Buyer : St Albans City & District
To support the statutory function of the Development Management Service the Council requires specialist advice from an archaeologist.
Local Plan Heritage Impact Assessment
Buyer : St Albans City & District
The Council as Local Planning Authority has a statutory function to prepare a local plan. The Council requires specialist assistance to undertake Heritage Impact Assessments of potential local plan allocation sites for the emerging St Albans Local Pl ....
Buyer : St Albans City & District
The Council is adopting a customer friendly digital service to provide better advice to customers on whether or not planning permission is required. This will reduce queries and it is hoped lead to improvements to the quality of applications submitte ....
Buyer : St Albans City & District
The Council requires a consultant to undertake viability work that will set out viability of local plan and strategic sites, and what level of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charge would be viable.
Upgrade of AIM and Implementation of PCIPal
Buyer : St Albans City & District
The council wishes to upgrade the Pay360 system due to the current version of the application approaching end of life.
Buyer : St Albans City & District
The Council wishes to appoint a suitably qualified Service Provider to undertake the provision of designing to supply and build a children's play area at Cunningham Avenue for St Albans City and District Council.
Buyer : St Albans City & District
The Council wishes to appoint a suitably qualified Service Provider to undertake the provision of designing to supply and build a children's play area at Bernards Heath for St Albans City and District Council.
Buyer : St Albans City & District
The council require an external out of hours call answering service to help signpost callers with immediate help and support. Also, to give information when the council offices are closed.
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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