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The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Committee NILGOSC Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Committee NILGOSC is most similar to organizations such as :
Northern Ireland Local Government Pension Scheme - Printing Services
Buyer : The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Committee NILGOSC
NILGOSC is the administrating body for the Northern Ireland Local Government Pension Scheme (the Scheme). NILGOSC wishes to appoint one Supplier for both Lot 1 and Lot 2 for the provision of Secure Print and Mailing Services and General Print Service ....
ID 4665462 - NILGOSC - Tax Reviews in respect of New Investment Opportunities
Buyer : The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Committee NILGOSC
The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC) wishes to engage (a) Contractor(s) to provide tax advisory services under this framework agreement to deliver Tax Reviews in Respect of New Investment Opportunities. ....
ID 4536844 - NILGOSC - Provision of Tax Advisory Services for NILGOSC’s Invest ....
Buyer : The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Committee NILGOSC
The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC) wishes to engage a Contractor to provide Tax Advisory Services for its Investment Portfolio. Advice is required across the range of asset classes and the contract wi ....
ID 3987778 DfC - Provision of Tax Advisory Services to NILGOSC
Buyer : The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Committee NILGOSC
NILGOSC wishes to engage a Contractor(s) to provide tax advisory services. This Contract will be split into two Lots: Tax Reviews in respect of New Investment Opportunities and Tax Support for NILGOSC’s Investment Portfolio. The Contracts will comm ....
ID 3416855 - DfC - NILGOSC - Provision, Implementation and Support of an Integra ....
Buyer : The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Committee NILGOSC
Northern Ireland Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC) wish to procure a COTS solution for the provision, Implementation and Support of an Integrated Finance/Procurement/Contract Management System. A managed solution is requir ....
ID 3248488 DfC NILGOSC - Design and Printing Services
Buyer : The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Committee NILGOSC
NILGOSC wishes to appoint competent Contractors to provide a range of services across 3 Lots for the provision of Secure Print Services, General Print Services as well as Design and Print Management Services. The services required have been divided i ....
ID 3128845 Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committe ....
Buyer : The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Committee NILGOSC
The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC), the only Local Government Pension Scheme in N. Ireland, is currently preparing to initiate a procurement process to establish a contract(s) with a supplier(s) to de ....
CAT-19-015 Commercial Catering, Refrigeration, Freezing and Chilling Equipment
Buyer : The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Committee NILGOSC
The EA invites tenders for the supply and delivery of commercial catering, refrigeration, freezing and chilling equipment to individual educational establishments within the Northern Ireland Education Authority Regions for the period 1 December 2020- ....
CAT-19-006 – Fresh Bread and Rolls
Buyer : The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Committee NILGOSC
The EA invites tenders for the supply and delivery of fresh bread and rolls to EA catering units/kitchens or other educational establishments within Northern for the period 1 May 2020 to 30 April 2021 with the option to extend for up to a further six ....
CAT-19-007 Fresh Poultry and Poultry Products
Buyer : The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Committee NILGOSC
The EA invites tenders for the Supply and Delivery of Fresh Poultry and Poultry Products to EA Catering Units/Kitchens or other locations within Northern for the period 1 August 2020 to 30 July 2022 with the option to extend for up to a further 12 mo ....
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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