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West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive is most similar to organizations such as :
Recruitment - Directors and HoS
Buyer : West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive
Initially, recruitment to the posts of Director of Transport Services (DTS) and Director of Delivery (DD) with the potential for further recruitment to Heads of Service Posts.
One Public Estate - Consultancy Support
Buyer : West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive
Consultancy support is required for the development and production of a services and assets delivery plan for the next phase of the One Public Estate (OPE) programme. Working in partnership with 6 local authority and key public sector partners the de ....
Bus Tenders - Batch 628 Bradford Buses
Buyer : West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive
School bus services in the Bradford district of West Yorkshire
Buyer : West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive
The purpose of the project is to produce improved, disaggregated rail travel demand forecasts for the Leeds City Region for the CP6 period, based on detailed analysis of current travel patterns and on evidence of factors that will drive future change ....
Vehicle Service & Repair Contract
Buyer : West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive
Service & Repairs of vehicle fleet
West Yorkshire Transport Fund - Specialist Professional Consultancy
Buyer : West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive
West Yorkshire Combined Authority and the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership has secured a £1billion-plus Growth Deal to support growing businesses, develop a skilled and prosperous workforce, improve energy efficiency and create the housing a ....
Provision of Vehicle Bollards at Apperley Bridge Rail Station Car Park
Buyer : West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive
Provision of Vehicle Bollards at Apperley Bridge Rail Station Car Park to provide additional protection measures.
Buyer : West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive
Replacement of gas fired boilers, pumps, flues and associated controls.
City Connect - Communication and Engagement
Buyer : West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive
Part of the remit of the Communications and Engagement project is to deliver a programme of interventions throughout Leeds and Bradford designed to encourage more people to walk and cycle and to promote the City Connect route. We are now looking to a ....
M62 Corridor Enterprise Zone - Feasibility and Investment
Buyer : West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive
To progress the EZ programme the LEP needs to develop the evidence and business case for the EZ programme in further detail. Much of this work relates to ‘due diligence’ which will inform and evidence future EZ investment strategies. This include ....
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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