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Wychavon District Council Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, Wychavon District Council is most similar to organizations such as :
Worcestershire Promoting Independent Living Service
Buyer : Wychavon District Council
Wychavon District Council is looking for a provider to deliver the Promoting Independent Living (PIL) services. The PIL Service (“the Service”) is local branding to describe a Home Improvement Agency service operating across the county of Worcest ....
Throckmorton Consultancy Services
Buyer : Wychavon District Council
Initial technical due diligence assessment of the land known at Throckmorton.
Raven Hotel - Surveys / Professional Services
Buyer : Wychavon District Council
To carry out Demolition Asbestos Survey & Structural Survey to the Raven Hotel, Victoria Square, Droitwich WR9 8DJ. Lot 1 of the Crown Commercial Services - Construction Professional Services Framework was used as this is an urgent requirement an ....
Civic Centre Surround Repairs, Pershore
Buyer : Wychavon District Council
The purpose of this project is to carry to repair works to the surrounding areas of the Civic Centre, Pershore. Works mainly consist of replacing existing lighting bollards as well as addressing paving depressions and trip hazards.
Oat Street Car Park, Evesham - Resurfacing Works
Buyer : Wychavon District Council
The purpose of these works is to replace the existing surface course and associated lining for the car park.
Quotation For Planned Preventative Maintenance To Rainwater Goods Including Gutt ....
Buyer : Wychavon District Council
Planned Preventative Maintenance to Rainwater Goods including annual cleaning of all gutters, hoppers, downpipes and gully pot and any adhoc emergency gutter cleaning required for the Council's properties.
Resident Engagement Campaign to Support Behaviour Change
Buyer : Wychavon District Council
Wychavon District Council is seeking a partner to support the delivery of a waste reduction campaign as part of Wychavon's environment resident engagement promise in the We Are Wychavon Plan. While the focus of the campaign should be primarily o ....
St Andrews Square, Droitwich - Public Toilet Refurbishment
Buyer : Wychavon District Council
Wychavon District Council is inviting tenders from suitably qualified contractors to carry out a full internal and partial exterior refurbishment of the Public Conveniences at St Andrews Square, Droitwich. The refurbishment works on all toilets MUST ....
Buyer : Wychavon District Council
Wychavon District Council is inviting quotes for the design, build and installation a new water play area in Lido Park, Droitwich. Please see procurement documents for further details. Bidders are required to carry out a Mandatory Site Inspection. Pl ....
Buyer : Wychavon District Council
Wychavon District Council is inviting quotes for the design, build and installation a new water play area in Lido Park, Droitwich. Please see procurement documents for further details. Bidders are required to carry out a Mandatory Site Inspection. Pl ....
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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