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As part of its role within Cultivator, the University has successfully delivered two cohorts for our Creative and Cultural Leadership Development Programme (CCLDP) for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (C&IoS). We are excited to be able to invite orga ....
Buyer : London Borough of Brent
The London Borough of Brent is planning to go out to tender for a range of goods, services and works in the financial year 2022/23. Below is a list of planned tender opportunities. Due to changing Brent requirements, there is no guarantee that planne ....
This is an invitation to a open market engagement event for: National Tutoring Programme –Delivery partner(s) from AY 2022/23The Department for Education has provided over 1 million tutoring courses since the launch of theNational Tutoring Programm ....
Housing Benefit Assurance Protocol (HBAP) Reporting Accountant for subsidy year ....
Buyer : Derbyshire Dales District Council
The Council has awarded a contract to an external auditor to audit and certify their Housing Benefit (HB) Subsidy Grant claims in England, for the subsidy period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023, to meet the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) require ....
YAS 97a 2022_23 Supply of Medicines Mawdsleys
Buyer : Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Supply of Medicines Mawdsleys
YAS 97a 2022_23 Supply of Medicines Alliance
Buyer : Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Supply of Medicines Alliance Healthcare
PCI_LotA_096 Rail Bridge Inspections 2022-23
Buyer : hampshire county council
A call-off from Lot A of the Place, Connectivity & Infrastructure Professional Services Framework 2022-2026 (Published 4 March 2022). Delivery of a programme of rail bridge inspections. This was directly awarded for continuity purposes under th ....
Buyer : yorkshire ambulance service
Extension period award (2 years)
ITT for the Evaluation of Scottish Home Renewables 2022-23 Advice Service
Buyer : Energy Saving Trust Ltd
Energy Saving Trust insight and evaluation team is carrying out an annual evaluation of the specialist renewables advice (SRA) service and private sector landlord advice service, covering the delivery period 2022-23. Both services have been the subje ....
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