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20 007 Schools and educational online trading platform
Buyer : cheshire east borough council
Cheshire East Borough Council are looking to find a supplier to provide an online trading platform for the use of schools and other educational settings. This procurement exercise will be conducted on Cheshire East Borough Council's electronic Contra ....
Buyer : SE Shared Services
Flat roofing works - Coldean Primary, Hangleton Primary and Downs Infants ; re-covering flat roofs at the above mentioned sites. To include new windows, cladding and extract ventilaiton at Downs Infants
School Catering Services 7 Schools in Harrow
Seven primary schools in Harrow are seeking to appoint suitably qualified catering contractors to provide a school meal service. Each school will independently select their supplier.
Catering Services at 7 Schools.
Buyer : West Horsham Schools Network
A high-quality daily catering service to the children and staff at the schools. To be considered, contractors will need to demonstrate clearly that they have the necessary financial acumen, technical skills and experience of operating successfully wi ....
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