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North Pennines AONB Partnership- Peatland Restoration Framework
Buyer : durham county council
This Framework is for North Pennines AONB Partnership- Peatland Restoration (The project for "Long Crag Project" will be used to determine the top 8 Contractors for this Framework ).r r Works will include but not exclusively; fencing, supplying and s ....
Cheshire Sandstone Ridge AONB designation project
The AONB & Geopark Team of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council require a supplier to assist in the delivery of an annual AONB and Geopark Youth Ranger Programme for the next five years (subject to funding). To access this competition: Registered: ....
Buyer : Denbighshire County Council
The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) wish to appoint a suitable consultancy to assist with the review and development the Statutory Management Plan for the AONB.The purposes, duties and management requirements f ....
Framework for the supply of Sphagnum plug plants for peatland restoration in the ....
Buyer : durham county council
This contract for a framework is for the supply Sphagnum plug plants for peatland restoration in the Northern Pennines. documents available via the nepo portal DN626887
North Pennines AONB Partnership's Fellfoot Forward Slow Trails Interpretation
Buyer : durham county council
This contract is for North Pennines AONB Partnership's Fellfoot Forward - Slow Trails Interpretation. As part of the Fellfoot Forward LPS delivery and legacy, we wish to promote 7 new walking routes based in the Fellfoot Forward scheme area. Four of ....
North Pennines AONB Partnership's Fellfoot Forward - Stars in the Tarn arts proj ....
Buyer : durham county council
Fellfoot Forward is a Landscape Partnership Scheme, largely funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, which brings together local, regional and national organisations, communities, and individuals to conserve, enhance and champion this outstandin ....
Chilterns AONB Designation Project
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
This procurement is being carried out by Defra group Commercial in accordance with the Open Procedure as set out in the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR) on behalf Natural England. The project is to deliver the 2022 high profile Ministerial stat ....
Investigation into the delivery of biodiversity units in the west Surrey Hills A ....
Buyer : natural england
It is proposed to investigate the potential for landowners within the west Surrey Hills AONB to deliver Biodiversity units. The main aim of this project is to understand where in the landscape has the greatest potential to deliver Biodiversity units, ....
Surrey Hills AONB Designation Extension Project
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
Natural England decision is to progress consideration of an extension to the Surrey Hills AONB.
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