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University of Chichester Graduation Ceremonies - Academic Robing and Photography
The University of Chichester is seeking a suitably experienced and skilled partner to work with on our graduation ceremonies. We want a provider that feels like an extension of our team, with the ability to achieve a smooth process for both our unive ....
Buyer : South Staffordshire College
The Human Resources department are looking to work in partnership with Recruitment agency/agencies for the recruitment of temporary staff both academic and support
HSE are looking to procure a web-based tool to import information from various bibliographic databases for scientific and academic research for HSE staff to access. This information will be required to be up to date, specific and trustworthy for inst ....
Buyer : NHS Resolution
The Safety and Learning department within NHS Resolution is informing the market of the intention to tender for the provision of Academic Consultancy services. This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is intended to gauge the interest of potential supplie ....
Academic Health Science Network NENC DPS
Buyer : Academic Health Science Network – North East & North Cumbria Limited
The AHSN NENC is one of 15 AHSNs across England which were created in 2013 in response to the Accelerate Access Review. The AHSN network acts at the interface between Industry, Academia and the NHS to support the adoption and spread of innovation at ....
13 Lots in total covering Met Office Academic Partnership Services and Agreements, for up to 8 Universities covering:Lot 1 - Joint Chair Services - estimated annual spend up to £400,000These are the Research and Innovation theme Lots - exact spend p ....
Command and Staff Academic Provision
Contracts for Pupils with Additional Support Needs, Academic Year 2020
Buyer : North Lanarkshire Council
Individual contracts (298 total) for transport of school pupils with additional support needs (ASN), each with a single provider for academic year 2020/21 only.These contracts importantly provide continuity for this vulnerable group of pupils during ....
Provision of Academic Feedback for Students
Buyer : University of Exeter
Provision of high-quality, rapid feedback from trained advisors in relation to students’ written work (specifically on matters relating to language, structure and style and not academic content). Awarded to include high-quality support to all stude ....
Extension of Contract for the delivery of the academic elements of the Think Ahe ....
Buyer : The Think Ahead Organisation
Think Ahead intends to extend its existing contract with Middlesex University. Think Ahead believe that competition is absent. Think Ahead has previously partnered with Middlesex University to develop, accredit and deliver the academic elements of th ....
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