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Acceleration Support (previously Incubation Support)
Buyer : The Department for Business
SWIMMR-Acceleration Contract BAS
Buyer : Met Office
SWIMMR-Acceleration Contract BAS
Tenant engagement and input 2. Designing an outstanding landlord service based upon both tenant and key stakeholders' views, as well as best practice from other LAs and Housing Associations 3. Best practice governance, assurance and portfolio ma ....
Buyer : Met Office
SWIMMR-Acceleration Contract
Call-off contract for Data and Enablement services to support Data & Insight
DPS011 Benefits Realisation: The Benefits Realisation Value Framework for the De ....
Buyer : Sellafield Ltd
The Benefits Realisation Value Framework for the Development and Deployment of new Technologies at Sellafield aims to highlight and clearly demonstrate the benefits and value add from the development and deployment of new ‘Tech’ to enable ....
Acceleration of Service transformation for All Age Disability and Access to Asse ....
Buyer : wirral borough council
Acceleration of Service transformation for All Age Disability and Access to Assessment - Phase 2
Staffordshire Moorlands Hotel and Visitor Accommodation Acceleration Plan
Buyer : staffordshire county council
Procurement of a specialist consultant to undertake a County-wide hotel and visitor accommodation study across Staffordshire, with a particular focus on Staffordshire Moorlands attributed to part funding received towards this commission. The commissi ....
Provision of Fast Stream Impact Evaluation and Admin Data Use Acceleration Procu
Buyer : crown commercial service
The proposed work aims to undertake an Impact Evaluation of the Civil Service Fast Stream. With the benefit of an independent supplier, research will explore whether participating in the Fast Stream leads to improved outcomes compared to a suitable c ....
Upgrading the software for MRI to enhance the quality of imaging
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