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The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) intends to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to procure Work Focused Activities in Jobcentre Plus Districts in England, Scotland and Wales. The DPS is for the procurement of social and other servic ....
Lot Two: to provide coach and mini-bus services for University activities, inclu ....
Buyer : university of brighton
Lot Two: to provide coach and mini-bus services for University activities, including teaching and research trips and social activities.
Provision of audit assurance activities.
Buyer : department of health and social care (t&t)
Professional services for the provision of audit assurance activities, including a cost validation exercise.
Provider Panel for One Point Activities.
Buyer : Durham County Council
Durham County Council on behalf of One Point Hubs is seeking to appoint a Panel of Providers to provide sessions & services which has been split into 9 individual lots depending on the type of activity session/service required:-Lot 1 — Parental Wel ....
Managed Service for Reporting, Analysis and Prioritisation of Rent Collection Ac ....
Buyer : Home Group
The contract will deliver an urgent and interim solution to mitigate the impact of Welfare Reform on Home Group's rent collection processes alongside impending changes to Home Group's operational management structure. The managed service will provide ....
Copernicus_CAMS_94 CAMS User interaction activities.
Buyer : European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
This contract supports the management of the relationship between CAMS and its users, with the overarching goal to ensure the best possible uptake of the products by the users and to their full satisfaction. More specifically, the activities include: ....
ZZV948 — AMP6 Works on network related activities.
Buyer : South Staffordshire Water Plc
AMP6 Works on network related activities.
South East Hampshire Physical Disability Day Care Activities.
Buyer : Hampshire County Council
Day Care services for adults with a physical disability or disabilities in South East Hampshire, UK.
ESCC MA Market Engagement for the provision of outdoor adventure and watersport ....
Buyer : East Sussex County Council
East Sussex County Council are considering a different approach for Buzz Active to enable it to continue to thrive and support the local community and wider county in the provision of outdoor adventure and water sport activities. To register for the ....
CBSM - Provision of field marketing and event management services in support of ....
Buyer : Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
The objective of this RFT is to invite proposals from suitably qualified service providers for the provision of field marketing and event management services to support SEAI’s Community Based Social Marketing (CBSM) activities to drive demand for h ....
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