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Airwaves System for Fisheries Enforcement
Buyer : Welsh Government
The Airwaves system is being procured for our Marine Enforcement Officers which is a communication process through a reliable and secure means via the Airwave network radio terminal devices. The Airwave service provides a secure mobile communications ....
BWC HPE Aruba Wireless Infrastructure, Clearpass & Airwave Management Suppor ....
Buyer : University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Aruba Wireless Infrastructure, Clearpass & Airwave Management Support
BWC HPE Aruba Wireless Infrastructure Clearpass Airwave
Buyer : University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Provision of wireless infrastructure
Traffic Manager Radio Service (Airwave)
Airwave Device Managed Service (ADeMS)
Airwave is the fundamental technology that provisions National Highways (NH) with their Mission-Critical Communications (MCC) capability, providing internal critical voice communications between Traffic Officers and the emergency services. The Airwav ....
Airwave Security and Information Assurance
Buyer : Home Office
Provision of Security and Information Assurance for Airwave
Buyer : Sheffield City Council
Sheffield City Council Parking Services employ circa 40 Traffic Enforcement Officers to monitor the parking across the city. These staff work alone on the streets and require the use of radio devices which have access to the Airwaves network. the dec ....
Airwave Radio Support Services
The Police & Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire on behalf of Warwickshire Police has awarded a further short extension to the contract for continued support and maintenance of Airwave police radios. An additional 3 month extension via exemption ....
Buyer : capitalesourcing
The contract relates to the provision of Airwave radio handsets and licence registration with the Airwave network, which forms part of the Critical National Infrastructure. Airwave radios are the only radio network which allows direct communication w ....
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