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The Authority is looking to award a contract(s) for the supply and delivery of ammunitions, as detailed within this tender documentation.
Supply of 5.56mm and 9mm Securiblank Ammunition
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Supply of 5.56mm and 9mm Securiblank Ammunition
Supply of Non Service Pattern Light Weapon (NSPLW) Ammunition
Buyer : Unknown
Weapons, ammunition and associated parts. Supply of non service pattern light weapon ammunition.Further information contained in attached Guidance DPQQ document.
PSNI Supply and Delivery of Ammunition
Buyer : Police Service of Northern Ireland
The Department of Finance is placing this voluntary transparency notice to alert economic operators of its intention to modify the amunition contract in accordance with Regulation 72 (1) (b) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. It is intended th ....
Procurement of Ceremonial Ammunition
Buyer : Unknown
Weapons, ammunition and associated parts. Defence General Munitions have an upcoming requirement for the procurement of a suite of Ceremonial Ammunition. The authority intends to run a Competition for this suite of ammunition. This shall consist of 3 ....
Procurement of 30 mm x 17 0mm KCB Ammunition
Buyer : Ministry of Defence, Weapons, Defence General Munitions (DGM) Project Team
This requirement is for the procurement of 30 mm x 170 mm KCB ammunition.
DGM/1944 — Supply of Ceremonial Ammunition
Buyer : Unknown
Weapons, ammunition and associated parts. The Authority has a potential requirement for the manufacture and supply of a range of ceremonial saluting natures for use in the 105MM FD L118, 13 Pounder and 3 Pounder ceremonial saluting guns.At this stage ....
DGM/1898 Ceremonial Ammunition
Buyer : Unknown
Weapons, ammunition and associated parts. The authority has a potential requirement for the manufacture and supply of a range of ceremonial saluting natures for use in the 105mm FD L118, 13 Pounder and 3 Pounder ceremonial saluting guns.At this stage ....
DGM/1772: 155 mm Smoke and Illuminating ammunition.
Buyer : Unknown
Weapons, ammunition and associated parts. Ammunition. 1. The UK MOD has a requirement for 155 mm Smoke and/or Illuminating ammunition and is seeking to procure a solution which is ideally Joint Ballistics Memorandum Of Understanding (JBMOU) compliant ....
155 mm Smoke and Illuminating Ammunition.
Buyer : Unknown
Ammunition. 1. The UK MOD has a requirement for 155 mm Smoke and/or Illuminating ammunition and is seeking to procure a Commercial/Military Off the Shelf (MOTS/COTS) solution which is Joint Ballistics Memorandum Of Understanding (JBMOU) compliant and ....
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