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William Blake Estate is located in Lambeth, with the oldest blocks built between 1922 and 1981. The Estate has a mixture of architecture ranging from the former mansion flats that line Kennington Road to the larger more modern houses to the south of ....
Doris Robinson Court - Appointment of a Principle Contractor
Buyer : Stoke-on-Trent City Council
Doris Robinson Court site, is an affordable residential scheme for over 55's for independent living. It is located in Meir with a council owned bungalow complex in the immediate vicinity, in line with proposed designs. Apartments are designed to acce ....
Appointment of Integrated Consultancy Team For Railway Park, Dungannon
Buyer : Mid Ulster District Council
The Economic Operator shall provide the following Services to deliver the phased development of Railway Park, Dungannon. The overall scheme has been developed up to RIBA stage 2, concept stage. The commission is for the appointment of a Landscape Arc ....
Appointment of Integrated Supply Team for Dunclug College
Buyer : the Education Authority
Appointment of Integrated Supply Team for Dunclug Colllege. The project is for the provision of a new post-primary school, including School Meals Accommodation and Special Educational Needs provision with an overall area of circa 11,750m2 over 2 stor ....
Appointment of Integrated Supply Team for Beechlawn School Hillsborough
Buyer : the Education Authority
Appointment of Integrated Supply Team for Beechlawn School. Beechlawn School is a co-educational Controlled School catering for pupils with Additional Educational Needs (AEN). This includes MLD (Moderate Learning Difficulties) and ASD (Autism). The s ....
Cefas are appointing social science and development experts to join the Sustainable Blue Economies Technical Assistance Platform’s Development Advisory Panel (DAP)
Direct Payment and Pre paid Cards and appointeeship bank accounts
The Council is looking to increase the use of Direct Payments to individuals who are eligible for Adult Social Care Services. We are looking to explore prepaid cards and appointeeship bank accounts which link to the pre-paid cards. The prepaid cards ....
Appointment of Integrated Supply Team for Bangor Central Integrated Primary Scho ....
Buyer : the Education Authority
The project is for the provision of a new build Bangor Central Integrated Primary School located on a greenfield site at Balloo Road. The development will comprise of a new single storey building with 17 No. mainstream class bases and 4 No. SPiMs (Sp ....
Appointment of a contractor for IT data cabling design, installation, maintenanc ....
Buyer : Edinburgh Napier University
The university wishes to appoint an IT data cabling service provider on a multi-year basis, to cover IT cabling work across the University for IT cabling design, installation, maintenance and support. The service provider must be skilled and fully qu ....
Design and Management Consultant Appointment - The Departments, Ryde
Buyer : Isle of Wight Council
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