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Sustainability Appraisal and Appropriate Assessment for the West Northamptonshir ....
Buyer : west northamptonshire council
Provision of sustainability appraisal and appropriate assessment for the remaining stages of the West Northamptonshire Local Plan through to adoption.
SCC2020/028 - Sligo City LAP - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Strateg ....
Buyer : Sligo County Council
Sligo City is one of the largest urban centres in the North-West, serving as an administrative, employment, commercial, health and education centre for a significant hinterland. It has been designated as a Regional Growth Centre in the National Plann ....
Professional services for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), and Appropri ....
Buyer : Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
The successful tenderer/consortia will be required to;(a)conduct an appropriately scaled Strategic Environmental Assessment of any modifications to Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan for their likely environmental effects which fully complies with the pr ....
SCC 2021/036 - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Strategic Flood Risk As ....
Buyer : Sligo County Council
Sligo County Council is seeking tenders from a suitably qualified multidisciplinary consultancy with expertise in the areas of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA), and Appropriate Assessment (AA). These as ....
TD-22-1121 - RFT for Strategic Environmental Assessment and Screening for Approp ....
Buyer : Carlow County Council
Preparation of Strategic Environmental Assessment and Screening for Appropriate Assessment and Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment (if required) for:Lot 1: Joint Urban Area Plan for the Greater Carlow Graiguecullen Urban Area and Lot 2: Tullow Local Area ....
SEA, AA & RES - Strategic Environmental Assessment, Appropriate Assessment, Rene ....
Buyer : Clare County Council
Clare County Council is requesting tender from Environmental Consultancy and associated disciplines for contract services for the provision of the following:Part A: Undertaking of an Energy Emissions Balance of the County and Preparation of a new Cla ....
Bord Iascaigh Mhara 2020 - Provision of consultancy services to prepare a Strate ....
Buyer : Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board ( BIM )
Provision of consultancy services to conduct a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA) for the National Strategic Plan for Sustainable Aquaculture Development (NSPA), to arrange and manage all necessary consultation a ....
2361 Habitats Regulations Assessment and Appropriate Assessments Local Plan Revi ....
Buyer : East Riding of Yorkshire
The provision of the professional services of an ecology and biodiversity consultant to undertake Habitat Regulation Assessments and Appropriate Assessments for the Council's Local Plan Review
TD-19-0365 - Completion of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and all ne ....
Buyer : Carlow County Council
Carlow County Council is seeking to appoint suitably qualified and experienced environmental and planning consultants for the following:(i)Undertaking a Strategic Environmental Assessment for the preparation of the Carlow County Development Plan 2021 ....
NM00824 Environmental Screening - Environmental Screening for Appropriate Assess ....
Buyer : Department of Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht
This public procurement competition relates to the commission of suitably-qualified professionals to undertake screening of the draft Sceilg Mhichíl Management Plan for Appropriate Assessment (AA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and car ....
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