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Flexible Procurement System (FPS) for the Provision of Independent Assessors and ....
Buyer : City of Doncaster Council
The City of Doncaster Council is seeking to establish a Flexible Procurement System (FPS) for the Provision of Independent Assessors and Reviewers. The FPS is divided into lots, Lot One - Deprivation of Liberties Mental Health Assessments (DOLs MHA) ....
Provision of Best Interest Assessors / Section 12 Doctors - Pseudo Open Framewor ....
Buyer : Hull City Council
Hull City Council (The Authority) is seeking tenders from interested parties to supply the provision of Best Interest Assessors/ Section 12 Doctors. The tender is an open pseudo framework agreement under the Light Touch Regime. The framework is antic ....
Best Interest Assessors and Section 12 Assessors Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing Syste ....
Buyer : bedford borough council
Bedford Borough Council ('the Authority') is inviting Applications from Best Interest Assessors (BIAs) and Section 12 Assessors to provide specialist assessments for adults on an ad hoc basis and in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation ....
WPLS Framework 6 Extension Independent Assessor 2023/24 and 2024/25
Buyer : Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government
Welsh Government is looking to recruit an independent assessor to evaluate the annual returns of the Welsh Public Library Standards for the years 2023-24 and 2024-25.The aim is to review and summarise, through the production of 22 individual reports, ....
Expression of Interest – Provision of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (D ....
Buyer : Blackpool Council
The purpose of this communication it to establish levels of interest in the undertaking of Deprivation of Liberty Mental Health Assessments market for Blackpool Council Adults social care departments.The Council is looking for interested providers to ....
Independent Best Interest Assessors
Buyer : east riding of yorkshire council
The purpose of this service is to ensure the East Riding of Yorkshire Council fulfils its statutory responsibility to operate and manage Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. This will be achieved through the provision of Best Interest Assessors, on an ....
Quoate -Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 – workshops ....
Buyer : Social Care Wales
The Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 (the RISC Act) will change the regulation and inspection of social Care in Wales. It will place service quality and improvement at the heart of regulation, strengthen protection for those ....
Financial Assessor for ARID Capital Grants
Buyer : WRAP
Environmental Assessor for ARID Capital Grants
Buyer : WRAP
Development of Assessor Capacity in the Substance Misuse Workforce Across Wales
Buyer : Welsh Government
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