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OPA/T607 OFD Loch Striven - Installation of new ROSOV along with Associated Tank ....
Buyer : Oil and Pipelines Agency
As a part of futureproofing and improving the tank overfill protection at Loch Striven, it is required to replace the tank-side issue & receipt manual gate valve with an actuated valve and carry out platform modifications to enhance the practicality ....
As a part of futureproofing and improving the tank overfill protection at Loch Striven, it is required to replace the tank-side issue & receipt manual gate valve with an actuated valve and carry out platform modifications to enhance the practicality ....
As a part of futureproofing and improving the tank overfill protection at Loch Striven, it is required to replace the tank-side issue & receipt manual gate valve with an actuated valve and carry out platform modifications to enhance the practicality ....
OFD Loch Striven - to Carry Out Pipework Modifications to Valve Pit No 2 & 2b an ....
Buyer : Oil and Pipelines Agency
Carry Out Pipework Modifications to Valve Pit and Installation of New ROSOV Valves with Associated Tank Staging Modifications.
OFD Loch Striven - to Carry Out Pipework Modifications to Valve Pit No 2 & 2b an ....
Buyer : oil and pipelines agency
Carry Out Pipework Modifications to Valve Pit and Installation of New ROSOV Valves with Associated Tank Staging Modifications.
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