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General Qualifications Logistics and National Curriculum Assessments (September ....
This is an amendment to the existing contract award notice - The changes were made to the redacted version of the agreement.
Modified Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Apprenticeship Training ....
Buyer : Lincolnshire County Council
Lincolnshire County Council implemented a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its maintained schools procure apprenticeship training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public ....
Buyer : North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC)
NHS Supply Chain operated by North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (who are hosted by Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust) acting on behalf of Supply Chain Coordination Ltd ("NHS Supply Chain") procured and established a F ....
Procurement of HPCDS Services in England and Wales from 24 August 2020
The LAA is inviting Applicants who hold an existing Housing and Debt Legal Aid Contract to submit a Tender for Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme Contracts ("HPCDS Contract" or "Contract") in 7 Schemes to deliver the Services from 24 August 2020 to ....
Plant Passporting Annual Inspections DPS — Mini Competition August 2020
Buyer : Forestry Commission `
Plant passporting annual inspections DPS. Inspections of plant passports and other associated inspections and audits.
Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Minor Works and Trades Q3 2020: 1 ....
Buyer : north of england commercial procurement collaborative (noe cpc) (hosted by and acting through leeds
This contract notice sets out the contracts awarded by eligible contracting authorities under the NOE CPC minor works and trades DPS between the date period Q3 2020: 1 August 2020 — 31 October 2020. For details of eligible entities, refer to IV.2.1 ....
Interpreting and Communication Services for People who are d/Deaf and Deafblind ....
Buyer : Kent County Council
Framework for interpreting and communication services for people who are d/deaf and deafblind to allow the council to buy communication services from a list of approved providers who meet a set of minimum standards.
Interpreting and Communication Services for People who are d/Deaf and Deafblind ....
Buyer : Kent County Council
Framework for interpreting and communication services for people who are d/deaf and deafblind to allow the council to buy communication services from a list of approved providers who meet a set of minimum standards.
Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for 17 Seats and Over Awards 1 June 2020 to 31 A ....
Buyer : Hampshire County Council
Passenger Transport services for students who are entitled to free, or supported, transport to attend their place of Education. Transport services are required to take students to both mainstream schools and Special Educational Needs (SEN) schools, a ....
Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for 17 Seats and Over Awards 1 June 2020 to 31 A ....
Buyer : Hampshire County Council
Passenger Transport services for students who are entitled to free, or supported, transport to attend their place of Education. Transport services are required to take students to both mainstream schools and Special Educational Needs (SEN) schools, a ....
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