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Building Block 2 (BB2), Dines Green Community Centre
DFG - 54 Pritchard Street, Blackburn, BB2 3PF
Buyer : blackburn with darwen borough council
Adaptations to a residential property at 54 Pritchard Street, Blackburn. The works comprise of a traditional single storey bathroom extension, an external ramp and minor internal adaptations
WCFMBB2021 - Supply of Wood Chip Fuel and Maintenance of Biomass Boiler to Limer ....
Buyer : Limerick Institute of Technology
To provide a comprehensive overall service, for the maintenance and continued running of Schmid 360 UTSK wood chip boiler and its associated fuel feed system, and the provision of wood chip fuel.The principal requirement is that the boiler will be op ....
Building Block 2 (BB2), Dines Green Community Centre
Buyer : worcester city council
Worcester was one of 100 places in England invited to develop proposals for a Town Deal as part of the £3.6 billion Towns Fund announced in July 2019. The Towns Fund is part of the government's plan for levelling up the UK economy. The overarching a ....
SPU CO19-2023 - Turbary GIS Review Blanket bog SACs 2023 0405_SABB23
Buyer : Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
This RFT is for a desk study to update GIS data, and a number of related tasks as outlined below, on the scale and impact levels of peat-cutting in blanket bog SACs designated to protect blanket bog and associated habitats, in Ireland. This work will ....
Together Housing Association - Property refurbishment works including structural ....
Buyer : in-tend e-tendering
There are 5No. properties each with their own Bill of Quantities for pricing competition, the winning bidder will be expected to survey inclusive of the rates provided and firm a full and firm price for works to be undertaken and delivered inclusive ....
VdBb211215 - Working from home equipmen
Buyer : Bord Na Mona
Working from home equipment including desks chairs desk lamps etc
COMBB210715B - Occupational Health Services Support
Buyer : Bord Na Mona
BnM plc and its subsidiaries would like to engage an Occupational Health Service provider to facilitate their Occupational Health Service requirements
COMBB210715A - Health Service Provider to facilitate our Health Screening Progra ....
Buyer : Bord Na Mona
Health Service Provider to facilitate our Health Screening Program.
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