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Soft Market Test - Cleaning Contract Bassetlaw District Council
Buyer : Bassetlaw District Council
Bassetlaw have used cleaning provider for a number of years, which included the TUPE transfer of Notts County Staff at that time. Bassetlaw DC are now to go out to market to conduct a best value exercise to ensure financial testing of the market has ....
Tender for District Wide Design Code for Bassetlaw District Council
Buyer : Welland Procurement
The Council wishes to invite tenders for the supply of services to develop a District Wide Design Code for the district of Bassetlaw. The commission's study area encompasses the Bassetlaw District Council boundary (available here). Bassetlaw Di ....
Bassetlaw District Council - Purchase of AI Research Sensors
Buyer : Bassetlaw District Council
Bassetlaw District Council intend to conduct a research project, under the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) consortia project, Alchemai. Alchemai aims to pilot a novel method of designing capital-based decarbonisation projects through a collaboratio ....
Westworks - Bassetlaw District Council Fire Door Inspections
Buyer : westworks procurement limited
4 year agreement to inspect all flat and communal fire doors to the councils blocked housing assets.
GB-Worksop: TPPL Bassetlaw District Council HCC Lot 4 - 2 x 5t Compact Sweepers ....
Buyer : bassetlaw district council
2 x Schmidt Swingo 200+
(BDC 5929) Changing Places & Catering 'POD' Facilities at Langold Country Park - ....
Buyer : bassetlaw district council
Bassetlaw District Council has appointed a contractor to supply and and install a pre-fabricated Changing Places Pod and a catering facility pod at Langold Country Park, Worksop.
CPU 4219 Bassetlaw District Council Housing Repairs Data & Application Solutions
Buyer : nottingham city council
Bassetlaw District Council is seeking tenders from sufficiently experienced and qualified contractors to establish a Property and Housing Repairs Software contract to provide a business application for the secure management of Housing Repairs. The ma ....
CPU4578 Street Sweeper Vehicle 15 GVW (Bassetlaw District Council)
Buyer : nottingham city council
Purchase of Sweeper Vehicle
CPU 3645 Dog Warden Services (Bassetlaw District Council)
Buyer : Nottingham City Council
To provide Dog Warden Services covering Bassetlaw Councils district. The service is to include the collection of stray dogs only during normal working hours (8.30am - 5.00pm) in addition to promotional, educational and enforcement work.
BDCT17-0384 - Deliver compliance of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDP ....
Buyer : Bassetlaw District Council
The Council has been preparing for the changes to how it controls and processes personal information as a result of the impending introduction of the GDPR. Initially the Council has begun with concentrating on setting the framework to enable it to mo ....
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