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The renewal of their MOSAIC licences
Buyer : West Yorkshire Combined Authority
The West Yorkshire Combined Authority has awarded a 3 year contract on behalf of West Yorkshire Police for the renewal of their MOSAIC licences. The contract has been awarded via the G-Cloud 14 Framework.
The West Yorkshire Combined Authority has awarded a 3 year contract on behalf of ....
Buyer : West Yorkshire Combined Authority
The West Yorkshire Combined Authority has awarded a 3 year contract on behalf of West Yokshire Police for Patch my PC licences. The contract was awarded via the WYP 2821-2022 Hardware Framework
Premium version of Trello - Academic Licences
Buyer : Department for Education
Since 2013, the Department has purchased copyright licences for all state-funded schools in England1 from CMOs as part of the Central Licensing Scheme (CLS). Prior to this, each local authority (LA) and academy trust purchased licences for schools in ....
Subscriptions for VMware Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) End User Computing (EUC) environment. Procured via NOECPC Total Technology Framework agreement and does not have any options to extend.
Buyer : British Transport Police
PPL PRS Music Licence 2024-25
Advanced Planner and Rapid Arc Licence
This is to inform of an one off purchase of Advanced Planner and Rapid Arc Licence from Varian Medical Systems Ltd to The Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
PRS Royalty fees - Music Licence
Buyer : university of the west of england
PRS Royalty fees - Music Licence/tarrif - Hospitality and Centre for Sport Music Licence Royalties up to 05/09/2024
DLUHC SAP Cloud Services Licences and Support for 2 years. This contract has been awarded and is published for transparency purposes.
Provision of Systematic Licences to EC2SPHD
Buyer : ministry of defence
Provision of Systematic Licences to EC2SPHD
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