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National Highways framework for cost estimating support for road projects. The Cost Estimating function is responsible for delivering cost estimates, which ensures that the business has detailed cost information to make properly informed business dec ....
London Community Equipment Consortium Framework Agreement - CF Award Notice
Buyer : capitalesourcing
The Royal Borough of The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea ("the Authority") invited bids for the provision of Community Equipment. This involves a wide range of activities such as the storage, supply, distribution, repair, collection, recyclin ....
CF Award Notice for Employee Assistance and Occupational Health Services
Buyer : nhs digital
Employee Assistance and Occupational Health Services
CF Award Notice for Workplace Adjustment Items and Services
Buyer : nhs digital
Workplace adjustment items and associated services
Buyer : ministry of defence
The Authority has awarded a contract for a one off requirement for the supply and delivery of welding helmets and consumables to 3 sites. This notice is for the purposes of transparency only, all redactions have been completed in accordance with the ....
Call-Off from RM1557.12 - G Cloud 12 - Provision of ESCAPADE Tool - CF Award Not ....
Buyer : ministry of defence
Contracts Finder - Award Notice Call-Off from RM1557.12 - G Cloud - Provision of ESCAPADE Tool
19-09 Data Centre Move CF Award Notice
Buyer : University of Wolverhampton
Award off NEUPC Framework Agreement for Data Centre Management Equipment and Infrastructure Including Supply, Installation, Management and Maintenance Lot 2 - Data Centre Infrastructure
17-48 Targeted Internet Marketing Campaign - CF award notice
Buyer : University of Wolverhampton
ERDF funded - Enterprise Action Project. Targeted internet marketing campaign to support local entrepreneurs to start up their own business
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