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This notice is to inform the market of NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board's intention to award this contract following a direct award process C to its incumbent supplier, Bupa Care Homes, to continue to deliver Continuing Healthca ....
Continuing healthcare services (including continuing care for children). This service is to supply assessment support services across CHC and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards service areas. This includes reviews of patients, assessments of patients ....
Continuing Healthcare (CHC) / All Age Continuing Care (AACC) digital management ....
Buyer : NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board
NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (N&WICB) are inviting suitably qualified and experienced providers to express their interest in delivering a Continuing Healthcare (CHC) / All Age Continuing Care (AACC) digital management service to supp ....
BCHC Board Paper Management System - Market Engagement
Buyer : Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHC) is one of the largest specialist community health services providers in the NHS with over 5,000 colleagues. We deliver around 2 million patients and service users attendances to the resident ....
This notice intends to identify suppliers who would like to express an interest in providing these services and to invite all interested parties to attend Market Engagement Events.
Market Engagement Events for a Continuing Health Care (CHC) AQP Care Home Procur ....
Buyer : NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board
This notice intends to identify suppliers who would like to express an interest in providing these services and to invite all interested parties to attend Market Engagement Events. 2 events are scheduled, one virtually via Microsoft Teams and one in ....
CHC/656 Chinook Cargo Handling System (CCHS)
Buyer : Unknown
Please provide a detailed description of the notice you are adding:The Chinook Cargo Handling System (CCHS) is a set of rollers bolted onto the ramp door at the rear of fuselage. The system provides a safe facility to carry, load and unload cargo whi ....
CHC Nursing Home Beds Preferred Provider List- NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milto ....
Buyer : NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board
NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (BLMK ICB) (formerlyCCG) is inviting expressions of interest from suitably qualified providers of CHC NursingHomes Beds (“the service”), to be delivered across the population of Bedf ....
CHC Nursing Home Beds Preferred Provider List- NHS BLMK ICB
Buyer : nhs bedfordshire, luton & milton keynes integrated care board
NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (BLMK ICB) (formerly CCG) is inviting expressions of interest from suitably qualified providers of CHC Nursing Homes Beds ("the service"), to be delivered across the population of Bedfor ....
CHC/651 Common Aviation Situational Awareness (CASA)
Buyer : Unknown
This contract is for the supply of a Common Aviation Situational Awareness (CASA) Tool, for use on multiple rotary wing platform types (Apache, Chinook, Merlin, Wildcat, and Dauphin). CASA is envisaged to be a tablet based digital moving map with a w ....
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