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CSG Horton Halls Cladding Project
Buyer : Kingston University
Please note: Whilst in accordance with the anticipated value of this Contract/ Project/ Procurement being an classed as an 'Below Threshold' Procurement under PCR2015 Regs, the University has seen fit to approach the wider market due to the expertise ....
CSG2223/161. Replacement of exiting timber windows and doors with aluminium fram ....
Buyer : Coleg Sir Gar
Coleg Sir Gar is seeking tenders for suitability qualified and experienced contractors to undertake the supply and installation of aluminium framed units.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visi ....
SNCSG2122/003. Appointment of Geotechnical Consultant
Buyer : Coleg Sir Gar
Coleg Ceredigion wishes to appoint a Geotechnical Environmental Consultant to inspect, survey and report on ground conditions where there is evidence of subsidence at Cardigan Campus.The College needs to understand:•The extent and cause of the subs ....
SNCSG2021/001. Speculative Notice in relation to Design and Construction of an A ....
Buyer : Coleg Sir Gar
The Prosiectslyri Project / Coleg Sir Gar wish to confirm their future planned procurement/s by publishing a Speculative Notice in relation to the Design and Construction of an Aerated Reedbed, which will be a solution for treating pre-treated agricu ....
The authority seeks to procure the services of a sole Supplier for the provision of contact centre services handling voice calls, emails and complaints handling amongst others but not limited to the following services: MPs allocation of correspondenc ....
CSG2223/160. Multi-Gas Analyser Hardware and Software for Environmental Data Col ....
Buyer : Coleg Sir Gar
Coleg Sir Gar (hereinafter referred to as CSG, or as the College) wish to purchase the equipment outlined within this Specification.The proposed equipment will allow us the capability to monitor multiple sources and areas of emissions at high levels ....
CSG2021/147. Chemical reaction and Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Tanks
Buyer : Coleg Sir Gar
Coleg Sir Gar wish to purchase the specified Chemical Reaction and Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) Tanks as part of its Plant and Infrastructure Adaption to Gelli Aur Campus.Both of these additional items will allow the optimisation of the chemical co ....
CSG2223/157. Design, Development & Deployment of a Web Portal & ongoing support ....
Buyer : Coleg Sir Gar
Coleg Sir Gar (hereinafter referred to as CSG, or as the College) wish to appoint a technical partner to provide support and consultation with regards to the design, development and deployment of an appropriate web platform, which will enable the col ....
CSG - Expert Insight and advisory support
Buyer : h m revenue & customs
To support the Director in this critical role the requirement is for an enterprise, executive advisory relationship and thinking partner. HMRC are procuring specialists in executive research, insight, and benchmarking data, as well as access advice, ....
Provision of Event management support at Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 2021 Event a ....
Buyer : foreign commonwealth and development office
Provision of Carrier Strike Group 2021 (CSG) Event at BDHC Mumbai
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