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ID 3096732 DAC 80/20 CCEA CA2E Support
Buyer : Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment
CA:2E is the fourth generation language (4GL) integrated development Environment (IDE) used to develop test and run software on the i-series. A license to run this software and associated support is required. CA:2E is designed to simplify application ....
Purchase of APCA2370 Electric Delivery Vehicles
Buyer : Animal and Plant Health Agency
Purchase of APCA2370 Electric Delivery Vehicles
NCA21229 - NeurEye Optometry Engagement Engineer
Buyer : University Of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh, on behalf of the Royal College of Surgeons is appointing a specialist Optometry Engagement Manager to engage with key contacts in major high-street optometry chains, as well as NHS, Scottish Government and other stakehold ....
2x Electric Transport vehicles for goods and people APCA2304/APCA2338
Buyer : animal and plant health agency
2x Electric Transport vehicles for goods and people APCA2304/APCA2338
Buyer : University Of Edinburgh
This sequencer will deliver high-level Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis performance using capillary electrophoresis to support a wide range of applications including NGS confirmation / Cell Line Authentication / Plasmid Sequencing / Multiplexe ....
Buyer : University Of Edinburgh
This sequencer will deliver high-level Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis performance using capillary electrophoresis to support a wide range of applications including NGS confirmation / Cell Line Authentication / Plasmid Sequencing / Multiplexe ....
NCA21213 - 10X Genomics Reagents
Buyer : University Of Edinburgh
10X Genomics Inc. manufactures the equipment that is used by the University of Edinburgh for RNA sequencing, and there is no other source of the single-cell RNA sequencing reagent kits which would be compatible. As a consequence, it is not possible t ....
Buyer : University Of Edinburgh
The Li-Cor 3350-STA Odyssey® M Imaging System will be widely used in the CVS by many researchers for a multitude of different functions. Also with the relocation of instruments that were being used by researchers in the CVS to the IRR there is consi ....
All Terrain Vehicle - APCA2210
NCA21186 Themed Research Leadership Programmes
Buyer : University Of Edinburgh
Design and delivery of course, based upon the existing Strategic Leadership in Research Training course, targeting specific areas such as Health and Climate.
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