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Buyer : London Borough of Newham
The London Borough of Newham are inviting responses to deliver this important heritage-led regeneration project for the Borough. The project is principally to refurbish the Council-owned Canning Town Old Library, a Grade-II listed Victorian building, ....
Architect-led Multidisciplinary Design Team - Canning Town ol Library
Buyer : London Borough of Newham
Newham are inviting tenders from Conservation Architect's and those with Heritage experience, to lead a multi-disciplinary design team for the services from RIBA 2-7.In November 2021, Newham Council's secured almost £40m from the first round of the ....
LBN -Independent Tenants' and Residents' Advisor for Custom House and Canning To ....
Buyer : oneSource
The London Borough of Newham (the Council) is committed to putting people at the heart of everything it does, enabling Newham residents to play a key role in shaping the borough and building better neighbourhoods that work for everyone. The supply of ....
Real-Time Passenger Wayfinding at Canning Town PIN
TfL is considering how it may approach the procurement of any such services that may fulfil the problem statements and is therefore seeking early information from the market through the publication of this Prior information notice (PIN). The main pur ....
Problem Statement: Real-Time Passenger Wayfinding at Canning Town
Transport for London (TfL) is setting the challenge to solve some of the key problems facing our organisation. Led by the transport innovation directorate, problem statements will be published periodically with the aim of providing clarity and focus ....
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