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Pre-Market Engagement Questionnaire - of Home Entertainment Electronics and Elec ....
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
This is a prior information notice to inform and seek engagement with potential suppliers of Home Entertainment Electronics and Electrical Appliances to Health and Social Care Trusts Northern Ireland (HSCNI). To this end, BSO Procurement and Logistic ....
Buyer : CPD - Construction Health Projects
The Contracting Authorities are seeking to engage up to 20 Economic Operators to provide consultancy services in connection with Minor Works Schemes under separate Framework Agreements of up to four years duration subject to the satisfactory performa ....
Framework agreement for the supply of electricity and gas for Healthcare trusts ....
Buyer : Influx Energy Limited
Gaseous fuels. Electricity. To provide Gas and Electricity supplies (Half hourly and Non Half hourly) to NHS trusts, NHS Foundation trusts, Clinical Commissioning Groups (and their commissioning support units) within the UK may access this agreement, ....
Pre-Tender Market Engagement - Provision of Advocacy Support for Children in Car ....
Buyer : Procurement and Logistics Service
Prior information notice - Pre-Tender Market Engagement - Provision of Advocacy Support for Children in Care and Care Experienced Young People of Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland
Occupational Medicine Provision to the Southern and Northern Health and Social C ....
Buyer : Business Services Organisation, Procurement and Logistics Service
Occupational Medicine Provision to the Southern and Northern Health and Social Care Trusts [4678190]
Consultant Occupational Medicine Provision to the Southern and Northern Health a ....
Buyer : Business Services Organisation, Procurement and Logistics Service
Consultant Occupational Medicine Provision to the Southern and Northern Health and Social Care Trusts (4193028)
Buyer : Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
The Contracting Authorities are seeking to engage up to 20 Economic Operators to provide consultancy services in connection with Minor Works Schemes under separate Framework Agreements of up to four years duration subject to the satisfactory performa ....
Framework agreement for the supply of electricity and gas for Healthcare trusts ....
Buyer : Influx Energy Limited
Gaseous fuels. Electricity. To provide Gas and Electricity supplies (Half hourly and Non Half hourly) to NHS trusts, NHS Foundation trusts, Clinical Commisoning Groups (and their commissioning support units) within the UK may access this agreement, i ....
Provision of a Support and Maintenance Contract for the Bradford District Care T ....
Buyer : Airedale NHS Foundation Trust
Provision of a Support and Maintenance Contract for the Bradford District Care Trust's existing Rio Clinical Information System.
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