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Concessionaire for Food and Beverage at Elizabeth Terminal, St Heliler, Jersey, ....
Buyer : Ports of Jersey
Ports of Jersey invites interested parties for the operation and management of The Shipyard Restaurant & Bar located at Elizabeth Terminal, St Helier, Jersey.
Provision of Marine Fuel Services for Consolidated Sites, St Helier, Jersey, Cha ....
Buyer : Ports of Jersey
Ports of Jersey invites interested parties for the operation and management of two marine fuel sites, including one new all states of tide service site and the current fuel site in Elizabeth Marina. The responses will help Ports of Jersey assess the ....
Gorey Harbour - Ground Investigtions, Jersey, Channel Islands
Buyer : Ports of Jersey
A ground investigation is required to obtain environmental and geotechnical information for the stabilisation of the Gorey Pier, St Martin, Jersey. The planned ground investigation includes the following elements: • 10No. rotary-percu ....
Airport Fire Alarm System, Jersey Airport, Channel Islands
Buyer : Ports of Jersey
To install a new L1 Fire Alarm system throughout the Airport and its associated buildings, complying with British Standard 5839-1:2017 which will: • Have the ability for remote monitoring in multiple locations. • Have 24/ ....
Airport Lounge Development Concessionaire at Jersey Airport, Channel Islands
Buyer : Ports of Jersey
Jersey Airport is currently underway with an Airport Masterplan. This masterplan includes modernising and optimising the International Departures Lounge (IDL) to meet current and future passenger needs. As part of the IDL redevelopment Jersey Airport ....
ATCC Workstation Replacement at Jersey Airport, Channel Islands
Buyer : Ports of Jersey
Operational ATC workstation replacement
ANS Surveillance Data Processing System at Jersey Airport, Channel Islands
Buyer : Ports of Jersey
Replacement of all ANS Surveillance Date Processing System (SDPS) displays and associated video hardware in alignment with our SDPS upgrade project.
Harbour Work Boat, Jersey, Channel Islands
Buyer : Ports of Jersey
3.1 The Halcyon, our current workboat was constructed in 2002. Over time, her responsibilities have grown beyond the initial design intent especially considering that our larger tugs are now stationed off island. As the workboat ages, it remains cruc ....
Structural Survey - Airport Pier, Jersey Airport, Channel Islands
Buyer : Ports of Jersey
PoJ require an intrusive structural inspection of the passenger pier at Jersey Airport.
Port Management Information System for Jersey, Channel Islands
Buyer : Ports of Jersey
Maritime Operations is using an aviation centric operating system to record commercial vessel movements. The current system is coming to end of life. This project is targeting to replace this system with a maritime specific Port Management Informati ....
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