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Church Street Regeneration Scheme SITE A : Phase 2 & 3 Demolition and Associated ....
Buyer : capitalesourcing
Demolition Contractor to carry out the demolition and associated work to Church Street Site "A" Phase 2 & 3. Site "A" is part of the Church Street Regeneration project which aims to improve the quality of life of the people who live and work in the a ....
Church Street Regeneration Site A: Market Engagement
Buyer : Westminster City Council and Westminster Housing Developments Limited
Current development proposals include: Redevelopment of site A will deliver circa 429 homes including - Social rent re-provision – circa 98 homes - Leaseholder re-provision – circa 16 homes - Market Sale – circa 215 homes - Additional Social re ....
Church Street Regeneration Site A Soft Market Testing
Buyer : Westminster City Council
Church Street is Westminster City Council’s flagship regeneration project. The Council has ambitious plans and is committed to significant investment to sustainably regenerate the Church Street and build on the distinctive character of the place an ....
Church Street Regeneration Site A Soft Market Testing
Buyer : Westminster City Council
Church Street is Westminster City Council’s flagship regeneration project. The Council has ambitious plans and is committed to significant investment to sustainably regenerate the Church Street and build on the distinctive character of the place an ....
Property Developer Engagement Day — Church Street Regeneration.
Buyer : capitalEsourcing
Call for Developer Expressions of Interest — Church Street RegenerationThursday 19 October, 9:30-11:30, venue tbc in the Church Street area.
Property Developer Engagement Day - Church Street Regeneration
Buyer : capitalEsourcing
CALL FOR DEVELOPER EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - CHURCH STREET REGENERATION Thursday 19 October, 0930-1130, venue tbc in the Church Street area Westminster City Council would like to invite developers to attend a briefing session, including site tour, in ....
Neighbourhood Upkeep for the Church Street Regeneration Area — London, NW8.
Buyer : capitalEsourcing
Westminster City Council is procuring a contract for the Neighbourhood Upkeep contract for the Church Street Regeneration area. The contract is for a team of skilled community workers, the ‘Neighbourhood Team’, to coordinate the Neighbourhood Upk ....
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